Monday, 20 February 2012

Why we are overweight?

                                                                   Why we are overweight?
Obesity is in fact a medical condition in which the excess fat has accumulated in the human body to such an extent that it may reduce life expectancy and increased health problems and have an adverse effect on health of individual.  Body mass index is the comparison of height and body weight of the individual.  BMI is a measurement to define the people as overweight if it is between 25 and 30 kg/m2. People are considering obese if the BMI is more than 30 kg/ m2. Today more than 65 percent population of the planet earth is fat or more accurately said overweight. About 15 percent of us are genetically obese and are able to get to the point of severe obesity with BMI over 40.
There are numerous answers behind the question why people are gaining weight? Everyone in the developed world knows what are the factors behind the over weight of the individual. The first and the major reason behind this is life style; we are becoming habitual of leading a luxurious life, with little or no exercise, no walk and used to do maximum work with machines. Other than a lazy life the most contributing factor is over eating. We eat a lot and we eat wrong things at wrong time. Genetic medical and psychiatric illness can be the cause of over-weight.
Over weight leads to a number of health issues as it is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide. It is associated with a number of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, depression, and many types of cancer. In short it reduces the life efficiency and expectancy.
So it is clear that obesity is not only a cosmetic problem it is very much health issue as well.  Mostly we wish to reduce weight just to improve our physical appearance but losing weight is not just about looking good. It is about feeling good and to live a healthy productive and comfortable life. Research and latest studies prove that by losing weight as little as 10-20 pounds you can significantly improve your overall health status.
By improving your life style and eating habits you can easily reduce weight. Adopt an active life style with small amount of healthy food for getting a healthy body. You can also reduce your BMI with the help of medication with the advice of your dietician. If you want to shed your extra calories you can use Lida Dai Dai Hua capsules and the product of Lida. They offer Lida capsule, Lida tea and coffee all with same effect so you can choose according your taste. Decreasing weight with Lida is safe, and effective. 
Now with the help of Lida Dai Dai Hua, you can have a healthy smart, slim body.    

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