Friday 17 February 2012


How to communicate with the spirits?

Death is the greatest fact of this world, no one can deny the reality that one day we all have to die
neither we can escape from the death nor we can hide our dear one’s and over self from death. So
leaving the effort of being immortal people accepts that fact an turn the direction of their efforts
toward the communication with the supernatural things mostly with the spirits. Since the pre historic
time people are trying to communicate with the spirits but this concept was not well appreciated
by the scientist’s community. Since now scientist do not belief the concept of connection between
the living and dead human beings. But the research work of some parapsychologist suggests that
such communication may take have take place. This concept of communication with the spirits and
the living human beings got popularity in the 19th century after a new religious movement which is
known as Spiritualism. The people who are believers of the religion Spiritualism used to practice this
communication practices win their churches. Such special persons that used to mediate between spirits
of dead people with the living human being are called mediums. Mediums are the link between the
spiritual world and our world with the help of their spiritual powers. Such people can hear the voice
or can see the spirits and can transfer the messages of the living people from and to the spirits. Some
time the spirit through the medium can speak and can take control of the medium body and so can
communicate with the other people. Some mediums take the help of spirit guide which is a special or
high level spirit that help the medium to communicate with the other spirits.

However this concept of medium and spiritual connection is still not well appreciated by most of the
religions and societies but believers are constantly practicing and trying to prove their concepts and

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